All sorts of goodies to make life easier…

Joomla! 1.5 extensions


I’ve now removed all references to the ‘self’ keyword from the plugins so they should work fine now on PHP4 and 5. Please email me if you experience any problems related to this change.

  • text2image plugin v1.0.2

    Dynamically generate text images using custom fonts. Plugin uses GD library and TTFs to generate text images on the fly. This means that a vistor needn’t have the font installed to be able to see the text as intended.

  • Linked Image module v1.1.1

    The Linked Image module allows you to associate a particular image with any given article. It does this by matching the file name with the article ID being displayed. For example you could use this plugin to display an image of food in the header when on a menu page.

    Now with added support for item IDs, thanks Wil!

  • Pretty Titles module v1.0.2

    This module is a variation on text2image and is designed to dynamically render page titles anywhere on the page using GD and TTFs. This is great for situations where you have a funky custom font and don’t want to create a new image in photoshop every time you change a title or create a new article.

62 Responses to “Downloads”

  1. Janet Weber Says:

    One comment – Instructions would be very helpful…..

  2. David Kuhn Says:

    Hi Janet,

    If you look inside the zip file there are instructions on how to use the plugin in the readme file. Have a go at getting it to work with those instructions, and if you’re still stuck just drop me a line.


  3. fungkur Says:

    is it only for joomla 1.5?

  4. David Kuhn Says:

    Yes all the plugins I’ve developed are exclusively for version 1.5

  5. Wil Says:

    Thanks David, your linked image module is a great contribution to the Joomla community. Thanks for adding the Itemid parameter 🙂

    Grtz Wil

  6. Fin Says:

    Hi David, i was looking for a solution for font embedding and your module Pretty Titles comes very helpful. But I have some trouble to include the tags in my template. Could you help me with this by adding an example like you did in the text2image Readme file, some kind of step by step guide.

    Thanks, Fin

  7. Nico Says:

    I get th following error after publishing the module:

    Warning: require_once(C:\xampplite\htdocs\mari\modules\mod_pretty_title\helper.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampplite\htdocs\mari\modules\mod_pretty_title\mod_pretty_title.php on line 7

    Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘C:\xampplite\htdocs\mari\modules\mod_pretty_title\helper.php’ (include_path=’.;C:\xampplite\php\pear\’) in C:\xampplite\htdocs\mari\modules\mod_pretty_title\mod_pretty_title.php on line 7

    What’s wrong?

  8. Nico Says:

    I have also tried to use the text2image plugin but still with no results. My php version is 5.2.6 with gd support enabled – version: bundled (2.0.34 compatible).

    I’ve used the suggested tag :
    {“plugin”: “text2image”, “id”: “my-textimage”, “text”: “My styled text”}

    with and without the tiny editor.

  9. Nico Says:

    I think that you did a good job and I know that you consider that everyone will be able to use it. But I’m not able. Am I the only one that needs a guide?

  10. Jay Says:

    Warning: Missing argument 3 for plgContentText2Image::onPrepareContent() in /hsphere/******/plugins/content/text2image.php on line 55

    I get a few errors like this with my site due to permissions, but I’ve check this pretty well and can’t find permission probs.
    Any ideas??

  11. Jon Says:

    Sounds good – pity it’s unusable without instructions.

  12. scubaguy Says:

    The font is not used on image creation when tried using Xampp. The image is generated using the standard Arial font. However it works fine on my live server. I’m not sure why it won’t work on my local xampp server.

    I also had to set the y-offset in the advances parameters to “20” in order for the image to appear correctly.

  13. David Kuhn Says:

    Hi Guys,

    Sorry I haven’t gotten around to replying yet. It’s been a mad week or two!

    I’ve updated the plugin this morning to resolve (hopefully) these issues and provide some more thorough documentation. It seems like I hadn’t put all of the files into the XML config files so the plugins and modules were only getting partially installed. Oops!

    As for the Xammp problem, I’m not sure why that would be the case. I use Xammp as my development server as well and haven’t had any issues whatsoever. The only thing I can think of is maybe to check the path to and permissions on your font folder.


  14. Chris Says:

    bravo for your products !
    But you need to make a true guide to promote your tools.

    For linked image you have to give a real example for steps 1 and 5 with the standard template, rhuk_milkyway.
    Then, you put a final screenshot (before and after) on your site 😉


  15. Fin Says:

    Hi David,

    I still have trouble to get Pretty Titles running. I installed the module, put the font as a .ttf in my images folder and set all the variables in the module, but how exactly do I include a tag in my template. And how can I associate the module to the tag? I get also an error message

    Warning: rename(/home/swissdes/domains/,/home/swissdes/domains/ [function.rename]: No such file or directory in /home/swissdes/domains/

    I would be very helpful if you can help me on this.
    Best regards,

  16. Yiannis Says:

    bravo for your products !

  17. Paxi Says:

    Linked image module. I want to link the image to an author or section. Is it possible?

  18. David Kuhn Says:

    Sorry no currently there is no functionality to link an author or a section to a module. Thanks for the question though and I will consider it for the next release.

  19. Chris Says:

    Is it possible to put elsewhere that index.php of the template for the Linked Image?
    For example i like emplace in beez\html\com_content\article\default.php (after or before title) but it seems doesn’t work?


  20. Sally Says:

    I was wondering if you can give me better directions on how to use pretty titles.
    I’m new to computers and I don’t under stand.thank U .

  21. Diz Says:


    The plugin doesnt work properly at my site. It shows the background but no text. I get the next error warnings:

    Warning: imagettftext() [function.imagettftext]: Could not find/open font in /usr/home/ws/drukfast/ on line 94

    Warning: imagettftext() [function.imagettftext]: Could not find/open font in /usr/home/ws/drukfast/ on line 77

    How must i link my font? I tried several options, but it doesnt work. Can anybody help me?


  22. Erwin Says:

    Sorry David, same problem here:
    * Just Background no Text…
    * Warning: imagettftext() [function.imagettftext]: Could not find/open font in /home/user/public_html/magazine/plugins/content/text2imagehelper.php on line 77

    I only get the background color with GIF, but then the error appears.
    The background is white and the error is gone with PNG and JPG.

    I all cases: no text 😦

  23. Jens Says:


    Thank you – the text2image-plugin is very helpful!
    Do you think it is possible to generate menu-header with ttf-fonts with this plugin also?
    AFAIK I can call any Joomla-function and transform the headlines via the modChrome-function (templates/xxx/html/modules.php). Do you have short hint how to call your plugin from this page?

    Best regards, Jens

  24. Marc Says:

    Hi David,
    thanks for text2image : it works fine for me.

    just two questions :

    – how to have multiple instances of settings ?
    I mean that I would like to have let’s say two sets of settings : Tiltle 1 with font size 22 and Title 2 with font size 14

    – what is the use of the ID tag ?

    thanks for the good work, Marc

  25. dr.repthill Says:

    Thx for the text2image plugin. It’s working fine with jpg and gif images, but it doesn’t work with png. Png-support is enabled in GD.

    With my compliments,

  26. allen Says:

    I love good typography in print. Now I can enjoy it easily on my site! Thank you!

    I think it’s important to note for new users… the y-coordinate in the advanced parameters corresponds to the baseline of the font. So if you want to see more than just the tails of j’s and y’s and p’s you must increase the y-coordinate according to the size of your font. (thanks scubaguy).

  27. mustang Says:

    Is there any way to use the Pretty Titles for category or section titles ?

  28. kappy Says:

    This is such a great plugin (module is cool too).

    Would there be a way to add the json tags (or another meathod) for the plugin directly into a template (for the component MyBlog) to replace the page titles?

    I would like to get this: from the component template to use the txt2image plugin each time!

    I tried: {“plugin”: “text2image”, “id”: “my-textimage”, “text”: “”} but this didn’t work directly from the template.


  29. kappy Says:

    the code got stripped from the post above. Trying to get this: to show the titles as graphics.

  30. David Kuhn Says:

    Sorry kappy I’m no longer actively developing these plugins – they’re provided as is. The code is released under GPLv2 from memory so if you want to add this functionality then I encourage you to look at the source code and attempt to implement it yourself.

    If you do get it to work then let me know and I’d be happy to look at it and perhaps merge it into the existing code base. That way everyone can continue to benefit from it.



  31. paul Says:

    Hi there, I’m using the linked image tool which is just right for my purposes – It’s being used to display a different image in the side bar of every article. However, I’ve noticed that if there isn’t an image created for an article it displays a warning message of ‘Linked image unavailable’. Is there anyway this can be hidden if there isn’t an image?
    Kind regards

  32. paul Says:

    Sorry, just worked out that i could remove it from the php file.
    Works as I wanted now.
    Kind regards

  33. ruslan Says:

    Yeah it works. Nice.

  34. Michael Says:


    Clearly you have designed a plugin that pleases some people. However, the instructions you give, and which you continually refer people to, do not make any of the following clear:

    1) where the fonts have to be stored
    2) where the file-path is to be stated
    3) which bit of the code you type is the actual text

    As you have not provided any clear instructions that resemble instructions I have seen for any other plugin, I must assume you are an idiot, or that most of the people who use your product are clairvoyant and have not been kind enough to post the solution here. Thank you for wasting an hour of my time.

    If you are going to create software and post it, at least have the common sense to post instructions people can understand.

  35. Kappy Says:

    Thanks David. I can’t get it to work with the template. I am not sure if it can be done but if you wouldn’t mind emailing me, I can send you my template file. Maybe you would have some suggestions or if it is even possible to merge them! The code that calls the title gets stripped when I use this comment form.

    Micheal, if this helps (and others):

    Create a font directory in your base Joomla directory and call it “fonts” (no quotes)

    your font path would then look like this: /fonts/

    If you create it in a subdirectory then it would look more like this:


    The code to use in article would be this:{“plugin”: “text2image”, “id”: “my-textimage”, “text”: “My styled text”}

    So you paste that in and then change “My styled Text” (change in between the quote marks) to whatever text you want stylized with your chosen font.

  36. Linked Image – I have it installed but I have an error just above the image that reads “Linked image unavailable” but it’s showing the image? Any ideas?

  37. Neil Says:

    Hi David, as many people have commented here, “Linked image” would be a very useful addition to Joomla!, if the documentation was a little clearer: of course we shouldn’t complain, but it’s very frustrating to waste hours trying to install something properly without adequate documentation, even if it is free :/

    I think I’ve set it all up ok, and worked out that the image folder is directly under “images” (I’ve used /images/sideimages/); now I just have to figure out why I get “Linked image unavailable”, and no image displayed, despite article ID and all the rest being configured (I think) as described.

    If I upload a default.jpg then I get the text “default.jpg” instead…

    Has anyone figured out what David means by “Add the new module … and associate it with the jdoc module tag name you just created”? Does that mean I set the module title to the jdoc “name” attribute I inserted in the template? I see no other field in the module config.

    Or maybe this module just doesn’t work with 1.5 in legacy mode?

    Does anyone have any ideas?
    Thanks in advance 🙂

  38. David Kuhn Says:

    Hi Niel (et. al.),

    I appreciate that many people have expressed that they are having trouble understanding of how to install the mods. I’m sorry that this is the case. Being a software developer I too get frustrated when there is insufficient documentation. Unfortunately I’m no longer able to devote the necessary time to rectify these issues and am no longer active in the Joomla community.

    Please note however that these mods are released under the GPL and as such anyone has permission to view the source, modify it in and way and CONTRIBUTE as they see fit. This is the beauty of open source. If you are unhappy with the documentation but have worked it out, feel free to write up some more comprehensive documentation. I will diligently put this into the distribution for the benefit of all.

    I’ll close by saying that it’s far easier to criticize something than to be part of the solution.


  39. lieben Says:

    Interessante Informationen.

  40. Andre Says:

    Can you use the text2image for the navigation links?

  41. David Kuhn Says:

    I’m not sure Andre, I’ve never tried. Give it a try and let me know if you like.

  42. ckn Says:

    I hope someone will be able to help.

    I’m using the Linked Image module. I’d like my four articles and contact to display a different header image.

    I’ve successfully installed the module.
    I have my new jdoc tag at the correct position in my template.
    I have a default image type of “JPG” and a prefix of “image”.
    I have renamed my images and uploaded them to my server here “/mydir/images/headers” (note: i’ve tried both “/headers/” and “/headers”)
    I refreshed my site and I get a message of “Image folder contains no images”.
    I suspect that either my path is wrong or my file names, but I am not sure. I’m guessing it’s a mickey mouse mistake. Suggestions?


  43. ckn Says:

    fyi, i got it working. stupid path issues.

  44. Camille Says:

    I have been trying to get Pretty Titles to work in my client’s website, and haven’t had much luck. The background appears but no text appears. Here is the path to where the font is located: fonts (no slashes). I have even renamed the font to theFont. In the module parameters I have removed the .tff from the font name. I am now wondering what else I should do.

  45. thinh Says:

    it is good product.

  46. Alex Says:

    This is so USELESS without clear instructions!

    I get:
    Warning: imagettftext() [function.imagettftext]: Could not find/open font in ……/plugins/content/text2imagehelper.php on line 77

    Can you clearly explain in plain English what to put in the Font Folder, Font Name (should I include .TTF or not)

    Man is it really that hard..

  47. ch12 Says:


  48. umm Says:

    What a waste of my time trying to get this thing to work.

    To the developer, no one is asking you to “fix” or “update” your module.

    We’re just requesting that you provide us with clearer instructions and please provide examples for each required data (i.e. how to specify font path in the correct format).

  49. Another Fantastic wordpress post, I will save this post in my Reddit account. Have a awesome evening.

  50. JP Says:

    I have been playing around with Pretty Titles.

    If your font is ftp’d to

    Then in the box, just enter the word


    If your font is named arial.ttf

    Then in the box, just enter it without the suffix


    The font size is pixels, not points, so try something around 28 for starters.

    Also y offset of 20 in advanced parameters is probably a good idea.

    Now, if someone can tell me why my title is rendered just an “&”, that would be appreciated…

  51. JP Says:

    OK, my issue was I had put the angle as 135 as I thought it was the drop shadow offset. Returned it to zero, and everything is good.

    Now I need to see if I can hack the code to make the font bold…

  52. Carlos Says:

    Hello David,

    i’m doing a non-commercial application for elder people, which will use text2image. But before using it, could you include the suggested fixes here and those of ?

    Kind regards.

  53. […] on line 77 31/08/2010 Utilizando el plugin “text2image” de Joomla (el cual convierte texto a imagen) puede ocurrir el siguiente […]

  54. gaz Says:

    I hope someone will be able to help.

    I’m using the Linked Image module. I’d like my four articles and contact to display a different header image.

    I’ve successfully installed the module.
    I have my new jdoc tag at the correct position in my template.
    I have a default image type of “JPG” and a prefix of “image”.
    I have renamed my images and uploaded them to my server here “/images/stories” (note: i’ve tried both “/stories/” and “/stories”)
    I refreshed my site and I either get a message of “Image folder contains no images” or “Linked Image Unavailable”.
    I suspect that either my path is wrong or my file names, but I am not sure. I’m guessing it’s a mickey mouse mistake. Suggestions?


  55. gaz Says:

    I hope someone will be able to help.

    I’m using the Linked Image module. I’d like my four articles and contact to display a different header image.

    I’ve successfully installed the module.
    I have my new jdoc tag at the correct position in my template.
    I have a default image type of “JPG” and a prefix of “image”.
    I have renamed my images and uploaded them to my server here “/images/stories” (note: i’ve tried both “/stories/” and “/stories”)
    I refreshed my site and I either get a message of “Image folder contains no images” or “Linked Image Unavailable”.
    I suspect that either my path is wrong or my file names, but I am not sure. I’m guessing it’s a mickey mouse mistake.

    Can you help?


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